Collective experiments with somatic approach to AI and synthetic media analysis.

26 Sep Mon 16:00 CEST

24 Oct Mon 19:00 CEST
uroboros loop, synthetic media, artificial intelligence, somatics, somatic design, artistic research,

Today’s creative applications of generative neural networks foreshadow the impact of AI on human imagination and creativity but also many problematic ethical implications. Synthetic media have been around for too short a time for their impact on society and our perception of information and, more generally, of the nature of this new reality to become apparent. But to consider their impact in purely theoretical terms precludes other perspectives and forms of intelligence. Synthetic media need to be experienced ‚first-hand‘, perceived with the whole body. Unlike artificial intelligence, our neural networks are influenced by our physicality and emotions. How to acknowledge our bodily situatedness while having a creative dialogue with AI? In what ways can we create a reciprocal relationship between us and AI so that AI takes good care of us and we take good care of it?

Within this dedicated programme track, an artistic research group will be formed to work in a concentrated way over a period of 4 weeks to reflect on the relationship between the human body and the phenomenon of synthetic media and creative forms of artificial intelligence. Synthetic media will play the role of research as well as design material, with which participants will interact conceptually but also practically.

The programme will be delivered online in the form of weekly group meetings, which will act as a trigger for subsequent week-long individual work and reflection. An important aspect of the exploration will be the perception of synthetic media through one’s own body and an emphasis on the emotions that the individual triggers will evoke, collected in the form of autoethnographic recordings of each participant. The aim is to develop a list of innovative artistic research methods through which the implications of synthetic media, the relationships between human and non-human actors in AI media synthesis, and our place in this future can be critically explored.

The group will be composed partly of invited artists and researchers working on the topic of artificial intelligence and synthetic media and partly of an open call for interested local participants. This will include public lectures, workshops and discussions during the festival. The output of the artistic research activity will be a collaboratively produced publication documenting the methods used, personal experiences, emerging themes, critical moments and ideas.

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Lenka Hámošová

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