The pandemic home can be seen as a situation of accelerated melting of the IoT and the IoB. Attributes of place/body/mind can build significant datasets to discover+describe patterns and bring a decision advantage or predict future behavior.

The pandemic home can be seen as a situation of accelerated melting of the IoT and the IoB. Attributes of place/body/mind can build significant datasets to discover+describe patterns and bring a decision advantage or predict future behavior.
Home means a hideaway, a place to recharge. It is both a physical and mental need and place of every human being, regardless of its rendering which relies on economic possibilities. It includes us, the seemingly boring and inessential majority. In this project, we will look at the new notion of home: an indirectly hostile place, changed through pandemic settings to a space in which the intimity, integrity and safety become mere simulations of themselves.
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Martina Šimkovičová
Artist, photographer, independent researcher. Interested in subtle perspectives of human life. Co-founder and adventurer at Robota - Center for Advanced Studies.