Jaz Hee-jeong Choi /KR/AUS
Jaz Hee-jeong Choi is the Director of the Care-full Design Lab and Vice-Chancellor’s Principal Research Fellow at RMIT, Australia. In her transdisciplinary research and practice, Jaz recognises ‘care’ as the core of transformational encounters in different places – ranging from cities as complex cyberphysical networks to forests as moving creatures. She builds on this to explore, often through creative-critical engagements, how design in varying forms and scale can be done care-fully. Her work is often playful, multisensory, and participatory, and starts from the margins to understand, imagine, and co-create just liveable futures. Currently, she is exploring care-full design across three inter-related domains: self-care and mutual aid in different cultural and more-than-human contexts; creative methods for research and engagement, and; co-creative transformation. Giraffes, what wondrous creatures.
Sharing Session: Shedding the Skin with Feral & Synthetic Creatures FREE ENTRY