Sensing the Synthetic
(Uroboros Loop program; online, in English)
Sensing the Synthetic LOOP program announces an OPEN CALL for participation in a 4-week online artistic research activity.
As a participant in this Loop, you will join a research group, conduct your own research, and actively engage in group critical discussions. We invite graduate or postgraduate students as well as other professionals (practitioners and theorists) interested in synthetic media and creative AI tools to join. Please note that you will need to devote approximately 6 hours per week to this activity. The activities will be facilitated online, via Zoom and asynchronously. To eliminate Zoom fatigue, we will keep online meetings to a minimum (max 2 h/week) and work asynchronously between scheduled meetings. The program will be held in English.
- At least some prior experience with synthetic media and creative AI tools
- Being able to commit approx. 6 h/week
- Willingness to work with synthetic media as well as your own body and share these experiences with the group
NOTE: Group meetings will not be live-streamed and recorded. Discussions will only be documented via personal notes from participants and a shared Miro board. Our goal is to create a safe space to share individual feelings, somatic experiences and emotions, so we ask participants to be kind to each other and avoid sharing any sensitive information outside of the group. Together, we will decide what kinds of results and in what form we wish to publish at the end of the 4-weeks Loop.
To join the open call, please send to lenka@uroboros.design the following:
- Written statement / 1-2 pages in .pdf, max 4000 characters
- Explain why you want to participate in the Loop program. Describe your previous experiences with AI and/or synthetic media and try to formulate your initial standpoint regarding the topic, theoretical foundations or anything that you might find relevant
- Short bio and a profile picture
- Link to your website or social media (if available)
Deadline for sending your application: 12 Sep 2022 18:00 CEST.
Notifications of acceptance are sent by: 18 Sep 2022
Beginning of the program: 26 Sep 2022
Algorithmic Resistance
(Uroboros Loop program; in person, in Czech)
Zajímáš se o digitální platformy a máš chuť prozkoumat co se odehrává pod jejich povrchem? Chtěl/a bys lépe porozumět tomu, jak fungují algoritmy? Je ti 17 – 20 let?
V druhé půlce září proběhne série setkání zaměřených na možnosti budování naší každodenní odolnosti vůči vlivu algoritmů, v rámci kterých spolu kreativně prozkoumáme možnosti tzv. algoritmických protestů.
Tato výzva je součástí mezinárodního projektu What the Future Wants. Pokud se chceš zúčastnit, napiš na: michal@dox.cz. DEADLINE pro zaslání přihlášek: 15.9.2022 (stačí když napíšeš pár vět o tom, proč tě toto téma zajímá a proč se chceš zúčastnit).