Writing workshop performed in collaboration with artificial intelligence.
We need a diary, my colleague wrote me; meaning that he would like to use a diary as an input for the neural network that he has been training. Diary… a key object in a book I wrote where the main character was a human-like artificial being. Her name was N: the “real” name of my digital twin we created using GPT-2 by OpenAI chose. I liked it. It reminded me of Nobody from Jim Jarmush’s Dead Man. In the book, N used the diary as a memory palace – where she eventually got lost only to find herself again. Diary: the most personal medium, where you can hide from time.
Imagine reading a diary of somebody who lived hundreds of years ago. Imagine reading a diary of yourself from a parallel world. Imagine reading a diary of different personas in your mind. Imagine reading a diary of an artificial being who is not familiar with the concept of closed individuality.
This workshop invites participants to create a collaborative artwork. We will create a diary with seven gates (or portals); each of them connected to a specific text (mostly autobiographical), feeling, or emotion. Everyone chooses a portal and enters: by entering you agree with inserting your own content (preferably a diary entry, or a dream). Participants will have access to the gates the day before the workshop, so they can choose a specific portal and write their input (a few lines is perfectly fine). Then we let the machine (mostly GPT-3 by OpenAI) create a synthesis. We will trace patterns of nascent stories and/ or emotional responses, and the collective dynamics of floating in the latent space.
Dita Malečková
Philosopher, lecturer, writer, artificial intelligence researcher. Dita studied Philosophy and Information Science at Charles University in Prague. She lectured for a decade about New Media, Art, Philosophy and Media theory. From 2019 her attention is focused on relation of human and artificial neural networks. Dita is the o-creator of Digital Philosopher and Digital Writer.